Being Accountable, Taking Responsibility

The foundation program introduces participants to the Yarning Circle and programs which are key success factors of Yeddung Mura.

The movie “Mad Bastards” demonstrates the yarning circle approach in practice, where stories are shared and support is provided, that provide hope that change can occur, and that support is available to help make that change.

The participants learn that neither the program, the yarning circles, nor the facilitators bring about the change. Only the participants themselves can do that through openness and commitment to change. Trust is built while the hope of change increases with the evidence of the change.

Yeddung Mura and ACT Corrective Services work together to support a safer community. This section provides information on how key attributes of this program works towards this purpose.

The program builds and maintains community safety. Click the heading for the community safety strategic approaches.

The focuses on anger management and conflict resolution, which can be foundational for rehabilitation and successful reintegration of offenders. Click the heading for how the program supports these goals.

The program fosters environments that are safe, secure, and humane, thereby ensuring participants are treated with humanity, dignity, and respect. Click the heading for how this is achieved.

Yeddung Mura demonstrates several key attributes that ensure the program is delivered with excellence. Click the heading for details on these attributes.

This program incorporates various learning styles to ensure effective education on managing conflict and anger. Click the heading for how they address different learning styles, their intended outcomes and evidence plans.

This program provides a structured approach to managing conflict and de-escalating situations through its group-based program. Click the heading for the systems and processes to manage these situations.