Rage Management

This is a two-part program. Part 1 reduces the real risk of rage to participants, their families and the community. Rage is an extreme level of anger, characterised by intense, often uncontrollable feelings that may push someone to express their fury through loud outbursts or physical actions. Unlike simple irritation, rage consumes a person’s behaviour and clouds their judgment, leading to shouting, aggression, or other dramatic responses.

For individuals dealing with rage, there’s a significant risk of incarceration or re-incarceration due to their reactions. Our program focuses on creating a tailored rage management plan before addressing other intense emotions like anger, jealousy, or a lack of empathy through subsequent programs. The success of this program hinges on:

  • Identifying situations that typically trigger rage.
  • Implementing immediate steps and providing support systems to mitigate these triggers, helping to lower the intensity and frequency of rage episodes.

Anger Management (Part 2) is the Circuit-Breaker program which builds on Part 1 as well as the Effective Communication program to help participants manage their temper and improve interpersonal relationships. In sessions participants strategies for emotional regulation and relationship building.

Module 2: Healthy Relationships

Prior to completing Anger Management and Conflict Resolution participants learn what healthy relationships are and how best to communicate when not angry or facing a conflict. This gives the foundation to return to in Module 3. focuses on improving personal relationships and fostering healthier interactions.

Module 1: Rage Management

Prior to release from the Alexander Maconochie Centre, Yeddung Mura has Managing Addictive Behaviours and Rage Management as core modules of Prison Release Program. The goal of these is to keep the community safe and reduce the risk of detainee reoffending. The other modules need to be complete whilst supported in the community to bring about real change. The management of emotions are addressed and in particular empathy and jealousy. All actions that risk reoffending are clearly communicated.

Module 3: Anger Management

This component of the program has a clear purpose centred around personal transformation (component 2) and community well-being through addressing anger and conflict resolution.

Yeddung Mura and ACT Corrective Services work together to support a safer community. This section provides information on how key attributes of this program works towards this purpose.

The program builds and maintains community safety. Click the heading for the community safety strategic approaches.

The focuses on anger management and conflict resolution, which can be foundational for rehabilitation and successful reintegration of offenders. Click the heading for how the program supports these goals.

The program fosters environments that are safe, secure, and humane, thereby ensuring participants are treated with humanity, dignity, and respect. Click the heading for how this is achieved.

Yeddung Mura demonstrates several key attributes that ensure the program is delivered with excellence. Click the heading for details on these attributes.

This program incorporates various learning styles to ensure effective education on managing conflict and anger. Click the heading for how they address different learning styles, their intended outcomes and evidence plans.

This program provides a structured approach to managing conflict and de-escalating situations through its group-based program. Click the heading for the systems and processes to manage these situations.