Empowerment Yarning Circles

Yeddung Mura programs provide a unique, safe, accepting, healing place that is culturally safe and takes account of differences in experiences, ways of communicating, values, kinship, families and insight into healing and that recognizes the impact of trans-generational trauma, history and experiences on current life situations of Aboriginal men and women exiting jail.

Yeddung Mura focuses for a positive journey for all our clients. The yarning topics/discussions are chosen to target key areas relevant to our clients, such as coping with grief, anxiety, stress and depression. Cognitive behavioural talks will be facilitated to initiate lifestyle changes. Inspirational success stories from other Aboriginal men and women will be shared, to motivate clients.

Yarning group discussions targeted the key areas relevant to our clients in order to provide trauma-informed support, build protective factors for participants, and reduce risk factors that may lead to contact with the justice system.

The Yarning Circles are facilitated by qualified Aboriginal SME subject matter experts. To facilitate clearly focused communication, reflection, and discussion, the Yarning Circle was facilitated by Aboriginal elders, Aboriginal leaders, Aboriginal artists, Aboriginal entrepreneurs, and Aboriginal professionals with expertise in sports, business, psychology, social work, and medicine. Yeddung Mura’s programs provides participants with necessary resources and supports their needs to gain self–sufficient living in an atmosphere of dignity, integrity and respect. Our organization currently offers Empowerment Yarning circles and individualized Case Management to assist Aboriginal detainees and their families suffering from complex issues.

All our yarning circles are facilitated by fully trained facilitators and have a ” specific purpose”. We have so far delivered the following concepts under empowerment yarning circles.

Topics / Concepts

AA Meeting
AMC Yarning
Circle of Security
Circuit Breaker Program
Mental Health First Aid Program
SMART Recovery
Training Program (miscellaneous)
Yarning Circle (motivational)

Our facilitators are trained in ‘behavioural activation’ and ‘grief/loss’ concepts in order to create programs that empower clients to acquire new skills. Facilitation Trainings are sometimes accompanied by mandatory supervisory hours for facilitators. Currently Yeddung Mura delivers 4 yarning circles every week with case management support.
